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Why I Started Writing

I have always had a fertile imagination. I was always making up stories in my mind and creating different scenarios. Ever since I was a little girl, I’d live different lives in my head.

I have always loved to read but it was only when I was in 8th grade that I really started reading. I think the first book I finished was Belle by Lesley Pearse. It has 600 pages and it is a bit intense for a 14-year-old to read, since it involves human trafficking and everything. While reading I was praying the entire time that Belle would have her happy ending and be reunited with her loved ones.

Around that same time, I started writing a few short stories that make me feel like stabbing myself when I think about them. I mean, seriously, what was going through my mind at that time?

When I started reading the After series was when I started really taking my writing more seriously. Anna Todd’s rise to success was inspiring to me. She simply started writing a fan fic on Wattpad to pass the time and all of the sudden she had a huge fan base and a book/movie deal. I mean if that’s not inspiring then I don’t know what is.

She inspired me to start writing for real. After reading her books I could picture me as a full-time writer, like I could do that for a living. And so I wrote my first fan fiction on Wattpad and started writing more and more, to the point that I would wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for a story and couldn’t get back to sleep until I wrote it down.

Being a writer isn’t easy, sometimes I feel forced to write what is a nightmare to me because I hate being forced to do something. It just demotivates me from doing it. But I keep trying to write as much as I can.

Every time I’m bored with my real life or I want to escape I can just start writing and live someone else’s life. That’s why I love writing.

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