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10 Tips To Be Productive

Productivity Tips

I can be the biggest procrastinator on Earth, truly. I procrastinate on the smallest things, like going to the bathroom. I don’t know how I came to be such a procrastinator, but I’m trying to stop.

If you’re a fellow procrastinator here’s some tips to be productive.

1 – Don’t hit snooze

If you’re a night owl like me, this is the hardest part. I’m still working on this one. I was sleeping in until lunch time and at some point I started feeling like I was wasn’t enjoying the day properly.

I started going to bed earlier than I used to, and this actually helped me getting up earlier in the morning.

2 – Make your bed

This may seem insignificant, but it helps a lot. Believe me. The days where I don’t make my bed I end up not doing a third of what I’m supposed to. If my bed is unmade it will seem like it’s inviting me back in.

3 – Get dressed

This is exactly the same as the previous one. If I stay in my PJs I’m not doing anything. It’s like my PJs send a message to my brain that it’s resting time.

4- Write down the most important tasks

I like to make to-do lists before going to bed so I know what I have to do when I wake up and organize my day. I always start with the important things I have to do, so that’s out of the way and I don’t have to worry.

5 – Set realistic goals

It’s important to set goals for your day, but they have to be realistic. You’re not a superhero, you can’t do everything in one day and that is okay.

You have to know your limits, know when to stop. Don’t set goals too high, because if you can’t accomplish them it will demotivate you.

6 – Set timers

If you want to accomplish all of your (realistic) goals for the day, I suggest you set time for your tasks. This will help you a lot during the day.

7 – Have fun

If I’m doing something I don’t need to think much, like cleaning or tidying up, I like to keep my mind busy. Normally I listen to some music or put on some videos on YouTube to listen to. If I’m cleaning my room I like to play some music, eventually I will start singing and dancing while cleaning and I’ll be done faster than I thought.

8 – Don’t multitask

You may think multitasking will help you finish faster but most of the times it will slow you down even more. Your brain will start mixing the tasks and you’ll have to do it all over.

9 - Clean your workspace

I work a lot on my desk, so I have to have it clean and organized. If it is a chaos there I won’t be able to work until it’s organized.

Having a clean workspace will help you work better, and you’ll feel calmer.

10 – Take breaks

If you have a lot to do take small breaks here and there. When I’m stuck on writing a difficult chapter I take a few breaks so I can catch my breath and organize my thoughts.

If you try to do all at once without stopping, you will burn out. Trust me, there’s times I want to be done with something so bad that I don’t stop, and I end up exhausting myself faster than usually.

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