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5 Ways to Motivate Yourself

Sometimes the reason you’re not being productive is because you are not motivated enough. If you don’t have the motivation you need you won’t get anything done. Here’s 5 ways to keep yourself motivated.

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself

1 – Don’t turn your goals into obligations

If you turn your goals into obligations, your brain will, most likely, take away the attention from it. Try to achieve your daily goals but if don’t achieve all of them it’s not the end of the world, you can leave them for the next day.

2 - Reward yourself

If you have a big goal you really want to achieve that day give yourself a reward when you do achieve it. This will help you achieve the other goals as well.

3 - Get rid of the distractions

Nowadays it’s normal for us to have our phone on us all the time, but if you want to achieve your goals having your phone on your picket ringing every 2 seconds it’s not a good idea. Turn it off and put it some place you won’t be tempted to reach for it. This applies to other distractions you might have around.

4 - Take a step back if needed

Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed by the task you’re trying to complete, take a step back. Revaluate your goals and rest for a bit. Then, when you have a clear mind, try again.

5 – Remember why you started

Sometimes things get hard to handle so you just have to remind yourself why you started in the first place. If it was worth to start it is worth to finish it.

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